How to use the engagement tracker (links to guide sections)
The Engagement Tracker tool captures community engagement events, and broadcasts them to websites and as targeted Alert messages, and it provides management reports inline with the NPC and COP Neighbourhood Policing Framework.
Some examples of the types of engagements that you might add here are:
- Engagement Van
- Face to face meeting
- Street surgeries
- Bike marking events
- Abstractions
- Newsletter
- Online activity (social media)
There are many other types as well, and you can also request more to be added if needed (these can be added by your super users)
From the rapport home page, you can access the engagement options from: engagement tracker:
You will then see the 3 options as below, on this page:
Add community engagement / event - this lets you add a new engagement and record the details for the event. Links to the steps for this below:
Engagement / event overview - this allows you to see engagements that you (and your team's) have added.
Engagement calendar - this shows a calendar view of your (and your Team's) engagements
These options will allow you to add / record upcoming or previous engagements, and also see what members of your team have added as well.
Signing-off engagements (guide here) - For Team managers / supervisors - for engagement types where sign off is required, once completion information has been submitted
Example steps for using the Engagement Tracker
- Add engagement / event, then optionally send a public notification for this
- (optional) view this in your overview
- (optional) view this in your calendar
- (optional - before start time) you can cancel this, if needed, from your overview
- After the engagement has then ended, you can close this and provide details from your overview
How to add a new engagement / event
Add basic details
For adding a new engagement, you can use: 'add community engagement / event':
You can then enter the basic details as below (you may see different options here depending on the event type):
- The type should be the particular type of activity you are undertaking.
- The Title can then describe this.
- The Date is when this will take place.
- Optionally, you can also add a website / link if appropriate.
- For some engagement types, you will also see additional details that you can add, such as location/information/duration:
(example type - options shown below)
For entering a location, if a location is needed, you can search for the location in the above search box and you should see auto completed options to select from as a dropdown here:
You can then drag the pin around the map if needed, to be as accurate as necessary.
Lastly, you can then choose to be notified by email of attendance to this event:
Setting the Team and Area
On the next page, you allocate the engagement activity to the correct Neighbourhood Team for reporting purposes.
- The list shown will include the Teams you are part of within the Alert system (except super users, who will see all Teams on your site).
- Activity is logged by Team and not individual.
- You can allocate an engagement to multiple Teams, if needed e.g. this takes place on a border
Next you can allocate an appropriate area for the event, again for reporting purposes. If you have entered a location on the previous page, you will see, as below, that an area has been automatically selected based on this, which you may edit if this is not correct.
Otherwise, if you have not previously given a location, you will see the below search box to input your location, which will autocomplete for you and you can then choose from that list:
To confirm these details, you can then click 'set areas / teams for engagement'
Send or skip the public notification
- You don't have to send a notification for your engagement
- A separate Alert message is not required to be sent for your engagement,
- This notification will count towards your Alerts total
- This notification allows recipients to respond with if they will / want to attend, and you can view these details in the overview
- The notification will automatically include location details if you have added these
Next you can enter the (optional) message to be sent to members in this area, to notify them of this event (or you can use 'don't notify public now' to skip this step and not send any public message):
Depending on the type of engagement you have selected, you will see some content that is pre-filled for you here. Then you can customise this as needed, ensuring that the [placeholder] text is replaced with your relevant details. Some information here will also be mail merged {merged field}, from the member's details.
You can then choose to preview and send this message (or schedule that to send later), or create the event without an initial notification (this notification can also be sent later, if needed, from the overview page).
For sending the notification
You can view the preview in much the same way as a normal Alert, as this message in sent in exactly the same way as an Alert message. Therefore, if you do send a notification here, no additional Alert is needed to notify people, all of your actions are performed within this single process.
In this preview you will see the message set out the same as a normal Alert, with your content and the interaction options for recipients to share. reply, rate your message.
You will also see details of your engagement given here as well, including the location if this has been specified. The options for the recipients to indicate their attendance are also shown here, which you can view the responses for (as noted later in this guide).
You can then view the standard sending details, to confirm your message settings. For this notification the recipients that you will send to are automatically set based on the engagement type you have selected, and the area you have set:
This will show how many recipients will receive your notification. You can then immediately send this message, or schedule that to send later:
After sending the notification, you will receive a sending confirmation email, this will include an attached ics file which you can download to add this event automatically to your outlook calendar.
Don't send notification (or once you have sent the notification)
You will then see that your engagement has been added in the 'engagement / event overview' page:
Your engagements / events overview
- You can view any replies from notified users, on if they will attend
- You can copy an event and set this to a schedule for repeating events
- You can send a notification after an event is created or send a new notification
- You can cancel an event before it starts, which automatically notifies anyone who has replied to attend the event
Here you can see the details of any of your engagements, for each of these you can access some options:
Copy - to duplicate your event, you can also use this to create multiple copies on a set schedule, for example, if you have a weekly or fortnightly event.
You can also edit your engagement details, the Teams and areas you've chosen for this, and you can send a notification from here for this as well, using the same steps as mentioned, in the section earlier in this guide. Calendar entry will also allow you to download an 'ics' file, for adding this automatically into an outlook calendar:
You can also view the responses from any recipients where they have indicated their attendance status, from 'invites'.
Here you will see details for any responses where recipients of your message have indicated their attendance to your event (will attend/interested/not interested). You will also see any other comments that they have left regarding the event here, too.
The final option in the overview screen, is cancel, where you can cancel any upcoming engagement. This will then automatically notify anyone of this cancellation who has responded that they are interested or will attend this event.
When cancelling, you can then enter a reason, which will be provided to those members in this update message.
After an engagement has ended
Once an engagement has taken place you will then see a new option in the overview screen: 'close engagement'. With this option you can enter the details of what happened in this event, creating a record of any important notes.
When closing the engagement, you can then enter the details regarding what took place:
Outcome - cancelled / attended
Then enter any notes, e.g. issues that were mentioned etc
Then enter how many people have attended - this allows you to capture data regarding those non Alert registered attendees.
Then enter how useful, as the host, you thought this engagement was.
Then select any 'seldom heard communities', and save those details.
This will then be moved under the 'completed engagements' section, and if you had any registered members who attended that engagement, you can view their details, from 'attendees':
Attendee feedback
After an engagement has finished any invitees who attended will automatically be prompted to provide feedback on the event that they attended. You can see this from the 'attendees' option on the overview list:
Engagement calendar
Finally, the engagement calendar (from rapport > engagements) lets you view any recorded engagements (added by you and your Team) for a selected day / week / month:
(Engagements in green have a Team assigned, those in red do not)
Viewing added engagements
In the overview page and the calendar page, you will have view of some of the engagements that have been added to the system, some of these views are limited based on the date that they have been added for, please see below the details for which engagements will be visible to you:
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