Every admin account on the system will be assigned a specific permission set, each of these will then have a certain set or privileges to dictate which features within the Alert system they can access.
The default permission roles on all Alert sites can be seen as below, full details can be seen from the main admin > site configuration > admin role permissions:
Default administrator roles:
Note: The Area Admin role can edit other admins, but only those admins with their same areas, or lower
Full permissions list:
Note: some permissions may relate to specific optional modules they may not be active for your site
Some Alert sites may also have custom local roles with different permission configurations, in addition to these default roles.
For each of the permissions options in these roles, a brief description can be seen below:
Read only - provides no access to any options (but doesn't override other added permissions)
User tasks - can access / edit user accounts - guide here
Delete users - can delete users
Export users - can export user data, to excel format, for external use
Neighbourhood Watch - can access Neighbourhood Watch options in menu
Reporting - can accessing reporting options in menu - guide here
Receive KPI report - will receive the monthly KPI report - guide here
Send messages - can send out Alert messages - guide here
Allow attachments - Can add attachments to Alerts
Save message templates - Can save message templates for the whole of their Alert site
Sending limit - spending limit maximum per Alert (voice / SMS messages)
Surveys - Can access surveys options (view results) in menu - guide here
Create surveys - Can create new surveys/edit surveys/set automation (if your organisation has the enhanced survey module) - guide here
Engagement management - Allows access to the Engagement tracker options, e.g, for adding engagements
StreetWatch - Allows access to full StreetWatch options
StreetWatch SPOC - Allows access to basic StreetWatch options
System admin - Can access system admin options (site config), also a prerequisite for some other permissions below
Manage administrators - Can add/view/edit administrator accounts - guide here
Manage Area administrators - Allows area admins to manage only the admins within their allowed areas
Area planning - Can access area planning options, view priorities maps and info (if your organisation has the relevant module)
Allow targeting - Can set the default global priorities for the Alert site (if your organisation has the relevant module)
Local planning - Can create local targeting setups (if your organisation has the relevant module(s))
Global settings - Danger escalation setup
Site config - Allows access to Site Configuration page
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