If you are the coordinator for a scheme, for transferring the scheme coordinator role for your scheme to another person, you can use the below steps:
Login to your coordinator account at: https://members.neighbourhoodwatchscotland.co.uk/ or the Alert site for your area.
You can then access your current scheme membership from: Neighbourhood Watch Tools > manage schemes > click the middle members option for your scheme:
If the new coordinator is already a member of your scheme in the list there, you can then alter their role as below, to be 'main coordinator':
When you update the scheme role for a member you will see the below options:
After updating their role to coordinator, you can then either alter your role to be just a member of the scheme, in the same way, or you can remove yourself from the scheme entirely as below:
If the new coordinator isn't yet a member of the scheme you can invite them to first join your scheme as in our guide here.
After you have updated your account on the Neighbourhood Alert system, you may then also wish to contact your area's Neighbourhood Watch Association so that they can ensure any additional records are updated as well.
You can find the details for your local association here: https://neighbourhoodwatchscotland.co.uk/
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