Why have a separate Share system?
The 'Share' option within the Alert system allows you to pass on Alert messages to other who are not registered for messages themselves, without giving them your own copy of the Alert message, which would include things like unsubscribe links, so that others do not have access to this and cannot affect your account.
Using this method they are sent their own copy directly from the system without any of your details (or any details of others you may have forwarded to) being included in that email.
This also enables the recipient of the 'Shared' message to remove themselves from your 'sharing list' if they do not wish to be forwarded any further Alert messages.
How to forward messages using the Alert system:
From the options at the foot of any Alert email, you can use 'Share' or 'Share Selectively' to access the email sharing options:
After clicking the share option, you will then be presented with the login screen to confirm your identity in order to share this message.
You can then select the 'Share via Email' option.
How to add new recipients / groups to forward Alerts to
If you have not added any recipients to forward to yet, you will then see the following options for adding recipients to share to, as well as adding groups to sort any saved recipients into.
You can add new recipients to share Alerts to, as below:
You can also then create groups to sort any added recipients into, as below:
You can add recipients to groups either when adding the new recipient (if the group already exists), or from the edit option for the recipient, as below:
Sharing to saved recipients / groups
Once you have added recipients and/or groups to share to you will then see the below options from the share screen:
Here you can tick the people or groups that you would like to share to, then click the 'Add note & Share' button.
Here you have the option to add a note above the forwarded Alert email to send to the share recipient, or you can just choose 'Share Message' with no extra note to then share this to the selected recipients / groups.
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