Once you have added a new scheme for your area, this will need to be approved by the local Neighbourhood Watch representative for your area, before you are able to access the full options for your scheme.
You can find the details for any local Neighbourhood Watch association in your area from the page here, by selecting your area: https://ourwatch.org.uk/support/support-schemes/find-my-local-association
If no specific association exists you can also contact National Neighbourhood Watch (England & Wales) from: ourwatch.org.uk/general-enquiries or enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk or at: 0116 402 6111
For schemes in Scotland, you can contact Neighbourhood Watch Scotland at: info@neighbourhoodwatchscotland.co.uk or at: 01786 463732
Once your scheme is then verified you can then access your scheme options as detailed in the guides here.
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