People who would like to have administrator access to the system can complete the "Request Account" process. Those accounts then require review and authorisation as explained below.
For approving an admin account request for your Alert site you will first need to ensure that your own admin account has the 'Super User' permission role.
From the main admin area, you can then access any admin account requests from: administrator management:
Super Users can also receive an email notification to let them know if someone new requests an account. This notification can be turned on or off in your administrator settings. To get to this go to Administrator Overview, find your own account and click edit.
Once logged in, you can then see any pending account requests as below:
On this page, you will then see a list of requests that have been made for admin accounts on your Alert site. You can see the details for these requests from the view button on each request:
In each request you can then review the admin account details that have been entered by the requester. Here you can check that the basic details are correct (Name, email address, area etc).
Ensure that you check that the 'Permission Set', 'Areas Requested' and 'Teams Requested' are correct for this administrator.
You can also restrict a user to only be able to use the mobile: Rapport administration system by clicking the option in this form.
The 'Permission Set' defines the permissions this new admin will have from a predefined configuration set globally on the Alert system. You can see the details for these roles for your Alert site from within the admin area, from: site configuration > Admin Role Permissions.
Main Permission Set Options
The PCSO and Police Officer permission sets are very similar and enable basic access to local user data, names, addresses, groups etc and enable message sending.
The Area Admin set enables usually sergeants and Inspectors to do the above but also access the community mapping, area planning/targeting modules and review survey results (if you have those modules).
The Super User can do all of the above but importantly is the only permission set that enables authorisation of new admins and can add/edit other administrators.
The 'Areas Requested' that you can set for the admin account control the areas this admin can see users within/send messages to/view reports for.
Once you have then checked these details, and updated any of these as required. Then you can either approve this request from the bottom of that page, or you can remove this request from that list completely if needed:
After you have approved an account request, an email will that be sent automatically to that admin to advise them that they can now access this system, and this will include temporary login details they can use for this.
Do administrator account requests expire?
No, these will remain in that list until those are approved or removed.
Will me authorising them be added to my audit trail?
Yes, the details of which administrator account you have authorised will be recorded on the audit trail for your admin account.
How can an admin update the areas that they have access to?
If they have the 'Super User' level permissions, they would be able to access the administrator management options in the admin to adjust this for their account directly. For any other admins, they should contact the Lead administrator for their area with Super User access, who can then update the areas that they have access to, as needed.
What if a Team is missing from the list?
To view / edit the administrator Teams that are shown, you can access these options as here:
What do the administrator Teams allow access to?
You can see the explanation of these Team options in our guide here:
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