When users reply to alerts sent by you or one of your teams, this will mark the alert as having open replies.
- When at least 1 alert has replies that are new or open against a Team, every 24 hours an email will be sent to notify you of this. This email will include the total number of open replies for the whole Team.
- A separate email will be sent for each Team you are part of, that has open replies.
- These emails will be sent to everyone in the team that was set to deal with the replies of this alert, or to specific contacts, depending on the reply settings for your Team. As a result, you may receive these emails despite not sending out the alert yourself.
To close the replies, you should go to 'Your Messages' from Rapport home:
Then you should see a list of all alerts with open replies, assigned to you or your team. Click on one and you should be able to reply back and mark the reply as closed.
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