What is this field for?
The notes field was added in March 2024 to the list of action buttons that you can use to record the interactions at the doorway when undertaking targeted engagement in the community (shown below on the far left).
The notes are only visible from within Rapport on a household list (and in the main admin area on the household interactions map (see below)
This feature was added after feedback from several front line officers using the target engagement approach in various force areas. The notes are stored against the address for six months before they are auto-deleted.
The purpose of the notes is to enable an officer to share information gathered at an address that would be useful for a future officer to know when out and about undertaking doorstep engagement. An example of this would be if a resident is currently ill, but would like to know more when they are feeling better.
What notes can be added?
You should only add minimal, adequate information in order to serve the purpose. The purpose of storing data in this format, is to provide information for officers that are about to visit an address to discuss community matters, so the engagement can be safe and more productive.
This may mean that a revisit does not need to happen for a period of time or that the household contains a dog that may push its way out, or that the resident is hard of hearing or disabled and may take a while to answer the door.
Data will be stored in some cases by consent if the data subject provides a name but also by Legitimate Interest in order to fulfil the purpose. In all cases, only store the minimum data as per the guidelines linked below. An example of this would be NOT to store that a resident has COVID (specific sensitive medical data), however, stating that the resident is currently ill but would like a call in a week or so should be OK. Avoid recording data that would identify an individual (without consent) and remember, although this data is not in the public domain, it data could be accessed as part of a Statutory Data Request.
More information on data minimisation from the Information Commissioners Website.
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