In the Neighbourhood Alert Main Admin area, there are 5 different types of reports that are available for you to access. These include: Area Growth, Area Overview, Team Reports, KPI Report and the Link Tracking report, please see below a brief overview of each of these reports and where to find them.
Each of these reports is downloadable in a CSV or PDF format in addition to being accessible directly from the admin area.
In order to access any of the reports you will have to locate the reports section, which can be found here:
Area Growth Report:
This provides a graphical figure of how many people have joined the system and how this has increased over the months, with green representing total number of members and pink representing the new members that have joined each month.
Area Overview Report:
Area Overview report provides further analysis on your particular area and gives a general insight into the number of messages that have been sent and the number of people that have been registered onto the system by administrators. You can also view the stats for other specific administrators below the summary figures and get a further insight into user registrations and message sending.
Team Reports:
The team report shows the same stats as the area overview report however, this has been condensed down to specifically include the stats for the Administrator Team that you are a member of.
KPI Report:
All Administrators will be emailed the KPI report at the beginning of each month as a PDF. The report will be relevant to the area you have been given access to on the system and will be for the previous month.
This report was agreed by the Neighbourhood Alert Development Board and contains statistics covering lots of elements of the system such as growth, engagement and a helpful comparison with other forces.
You can see an overview of an example report which contains explanatory text for each field here.
Links inside Alerts Report:
The Links inside Alerts report gives an insight into the links that you have featured within or alongside any alert message that has been sent out. This shows you how many times the link has been accessed, when it was created and when the last time it got accessed was.
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