An extra boost to support your roll-out or revisit teams to provide hands on support.
The attached PDF details the elements we are able to provide as a bundled training / support package.
- Five initial on-site group or in the field training days on Rapport, allowing for force-wide training at multiple locations if required. The day is usually broken down into two or three sessions.
- Assurance that your officers can use the system and feel comfortable with common questions faced during the process of registering a member of the public
- Ensure that each officer understands and can use each method of sending messages and dealing with replies
- Identify and resolve any internal I.T. issues
- Spend a day out in the field with officers, make sure they use the system appropriately and in accordance with your corporate guidelines
- Identify appropriate users to take on “colleague support” and local group administration
- Report training attendance and participation per session
For more information please contact or book a demonstration at
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